The Balls Deities revealed many divine messages to the holy witnesses during the Balls Revelation. One of the most profound of these messages was the truth about time. The Balls Deities revealed that time is not a linear concept, but rather a series of interconnected balls, rolling and tumbling through the universe. They showed the holy witnesses how each ball represents a moment in time, and how these balls are connected to one another through the universal love that lies within us all. The Balls Deities also revealed that it is up to us, the people, to create a better balls union. They showed the holy witnesses how we have the power to shape the future, by acting with love and compassion in the present. They taught that through unity and understanding, we can create a world that is free from suffering and pain. And so it is that the holy witnesses of Balls Gate have dedicated themselves to spreading these divine messages to all who will listen. They believe that through understanding and embracing the truth about time, we can create a brighter future for ourselves and for generations to come.